Well it has been almost a month since last I wrote, and a lot has happened since then. I have traveled to Grand Junction, Durango, Ignacio, Pagosa Springs, Wolf Creek and many more destinations all in the month of May. In total about 1300 miles were completed and this time of year has some spectacular sights. The rivers in the mountains are gushing torrents with all the snow melts and the combination of some good rain showers.
I got to play my first game of racquet's ball and it was good fun and very different to squash. Our garden is starting to take shape and is looking very green. We have put wood chips out in the flower beds, fertilized the lawn, placed bug killer on the garden and mowed the lawn each Saturday since the start of Spring. It is all great fun and good exercise.
I decided to start playing tennis again after 21 years as squash is not popular out here and golf seems like a lot of money to outlay at this time. But I am learning fast that tennis may in my case be more expensive than golf. I have broken 6 sets of strings in 7 weeks, with my forehand top spin. Sure I can get win the point each time but the cost of the restring is far to expensive to repeat each week. This last week was the icing on the cake as I practised out on the court with the ball machine. After hitting balls back across the court for an hour I managed to snap the strings on the racquet's even against the machine. So now I am thinking that golf once a month may prove less expensive.
The Bulls crushed the Chiefs and what a finish to the Super 14. Even though we don't always get to see the game we check the on line scoring to keep p with whats on the go. I am sure there are a lot of people still recovering after that win.(and I am not talking about the players).
Well we re certainly getting our fair share of rain at the start of this spring but we are looking forward to summer and the warmer temperatures rolling in. Wishing you all a great month of June ahead, miss all our family and close mates and just want you to know how appreciative we are that so many of you are still in contact with us each week.