Saturday, November 1, 2008

Good to Great News

Denver Skyline

Snow sprinkling on the slopes

Autumn sunsets

The trees start to loose the leaves

Here is a pic of our new home to be.

The weeks was a great one out here in Denver, with temperatures back into the 70 degree F and the mountains still sprinkled with snow caps. A busy week was on the cards for us this weekend with Lesleigh and I out to find a home.

Well we found one and put in an offer, the seller accepted and now the paper trail starts. We have been to see lenders, Realtor, and insurance people this past week. We are so excited about moving into our own home here in Denver. It is the smallest lot in the neighborhood but a really cute spot. There are just a few things to be done to get the home into tip top shape but nothing that I cant fix in a weekend or two.

So I went to the local hardware store to get pricing on a lawn mower. The salesman just had to laugh at me. He said why would I want a lawn mower at this time of year when the first time I would get to use it would be spring next year. He suggested that I may want to buy a snow blower instead to clear the driveway during the up coming winter.

The trees have all begun to loose their leaves this week and the scenery changes once more, but still spectacular. I got to play golf this week and it is great to see my scores averaging in the low 80's. The courses are starting to become dryer and the greens not holding too many pitches even with the Pro V balls. Yesterday I even got to see a Coyote running around on the course whilst we played the last four holes. The couple I played golf with have invited me to play at a private course a little south and in the mountains in the next few weeks so I cant wait as they say it is better than arrow head, which I thought was spectacular.

I also got the clearances and so I start in the office on Monday, cant wait to get going with the new job!

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